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Directions to Waliga
FROM BOSTON Take 95 South to 295 South to Exit 6 (Hartford Avenue). At bottom of exit, take a left, at intersection of Hartford Avenue and Atwood Avenue take a right. Shortly after this turn, Waliga Imports is on the left side behind to the AT&T Store.
FROM CAPE COD Take 195 East to 95 North to Exit 22 (Hartford, CT). Follow Rt 10 to Rt 6 to 195 West to Atwood Avenue Exit, at end of exit take right onto Atwood Avenue. Waliga Imports is located on the right behind the AT&T Store.
FROM CONNECTICUT Take 95 North to 295 North to Exit 6A - After you exit on to Rt. 6A - take first exit - Atwood Ave. Take left onto Atwood Avenue. Waliga Imports is located on the right behind the AT&T Store.
Hours are 8:30 to 5:00 PM. We are closed for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Waliga Imports & Sales 1467 Atwood Avenue Johnston, Rhode Island 02919
1 (401) 272-6777
1 (888) WALIGAS
1 (888) 925-4427
Enter "0" for operator
Fax: 1 (401) 274-0920